Wave Picking Improvements

Wave Picking Improvements

Today we’re introducing two improvements to Wave Picking. These are the first of many Wave Pick Improvements coming over the next few weeks as we gear up for Pick to Tote. If you would like to join our Beta Group for either Wave Pick Improvements or Pick to Tote, please let us know.

Multi-Customer Wave Picks

To make it faster and easier to process Sale Orders, we’ve made it possible to create Wave Picks which span multiple customers’ Sale Orders.

When creating a Wave Pick, you can now select “Multiple Customers” from the customer-selection drop down, and see orders across all customers, which can then be grouped together into a single wave.




Persisting Wave Picks after Completion

To provide better visibility over historical operations, wave picks are no longer deleted after they have been completed. From the Wave Pick list screen, there are now two tabs, “In Progress” and “Completed”. Completed waves can be opened for viewing.



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