Editing & Emptying Warehouse Location Improvements

Editing & Emptying Warehouse Location Improvements

This release introduces several powerful improvements to how you manage warehouse locations within CartonCloud. Here’s what you can now do:

  • Edit Product Types Directly: You can now edit the product types assigned to a warehouse location straight from the Warehouse Location Edit page, providing more flexibility and control without needing to navigate away.

  • Change Warehouse Location Capacity: Whether you're handling single or multiple pallets, you can now update a location’s capacity directly from the Edit Warehouse Location page. Previously, this was only available via bulk editing, so this will streamline adjustments on the fly.

  • Modify Location Capacity Without Emptying: Need to change the capacity of a location that’s currently in use? No problem! You can now adjust a location's capacity even if it isn’t empty, giving you more operational flexibility without the need for downtime.


These improvements are designed to simplify your workflow and give you more control over your warehouse setup, making location management more efficient than ever. Be sure to check out the new features and let us know how they work for you!

For more information, visit our Knowledge Base article here.