Photos on Purchase Orders now supports HEIC image uploads via the webapp.

Photos on Purchase Orders now supports HEIC image uploads via the webapp.

We’ve added support for HEIC (High Efficiency Image Container) files within Documents and Photos on inbound when uploading via the web application.

HEIC is the default image file format used on Apple devices (iPhone, iPad, Mac), however it has limited support outside the Apple ecosystem.

Previously, if users tried to upload an HEIC file it would be rejected as an unsupported filetype, requiring conversion to a supported filetype (ie: JPG) prior to upload. To make it easier, we’ve added an in-browser file converter which converts the HEIC file to JPG automatically. This maximises the image compatibility with other (non-Apple) devices and other applications.

Note: The CartonCloud mobile app would already convert HEIC files to JPG prior to upload.