Unallocate Stock from Sale Order Product lines without impacting total requested quantities

Unallocate Stock from Sale Order Product lines without impacting total requested quantities

With this release, we’re excited to introduce a new feature that greatly enhances the ability to manage partially-fulfillable lfillable Sale Sale orders

Recognizing the need for more dynamic stock allocation, we've added the ability to Unallocate stock from Sales Order Product (SOP) lines without affecting the requested quantity. This update, available to Admin and Packer users, also includes the addition of history entries for each stock movement, to ensure managing your inventory between different orders is straightforward.

To use this feature, as an Admin or Packer, simply head to the Products tab of your Sale Order, and click the Unassign button. Depending on the row you click, all Sale Order Products under that Product will be unassigned, or, only that particular Sale Order Product will be unassigned. Note that these buttons aren’t available past the Awaiting Pick and Pack status.


Note: If you unassign more than one SOP of the same Product, the items will not remain seperated within their SOPs - instead, the required quantities will be combined at the product level. This will also be reflected on the History tab

Here, the different POPs are being unassigned, and the quantity is being aggregated.

For a closer look at how this new feature works and how it can benefit your order management process, visit our Knowledge Base today.

This update was delivered based upon this idea lodged in our ideas portal. To suggest your own improvements to CartonCloud, please visit this page.

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