We are excited to announce we have now fully released our Last Month Split Billing features first mentioned here, previously in closed beta.
As a quick reminder, this update enhances the Split Month Billing option, allowing discounts for early-leaving stock in their final storage month.
All users can now apply Last Month discounts or combine First and Last Month discounts for more competitive pricing, without having to reach out to our Service Desk team to enable the functionality. These settings, adaptable for Per Pallet and Per Location billing methods, are configurable at both organization and customer levels
For more detailed info, please visit the original log post here
We're excited to announce new updates to the Sale Order report, making it more versatile and user-friendly.
Previously, there was only a Sale Order History status and Pack Date filter. This meant that in some cases, reports could be inaccurate, as orders packed within the selected date range may have been packed and dispatched at different times. Now, you can filter orders by the actual 'Dispatched Date' and enjoy clarity with a dedicated column for this information.
We’ve also added the ability to customize your report views with new templates and configurable columns, tailored to your specific needs.
Please note: we have not removed the tickboxes for Delivery Instructions, Packing Instructions, and Comments - these have simply been moved into the column selector with the other data for consistency, and so users have the ability to save those columns to the template.
For more information on this report, view the Knowledge Base article here, or alternatively, here if you are a customer.
This update was delivered based upon this idea lodged in our ideas portal. To suggest your own improvements to CartonCloud, please visit this page
With this update, we have made the Notification Bell New Message alert flash when you have new unread messages. We use the Notification Bell to communicate important updates, give you information on New Features we have released and also let you know when large reports are available for download.