Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is now available within CartonCloud!

MFA increases log-in security for your account, by enhancing your account security and protection. All CartonCloud users can now set up and use MFA through both the web and mobile apps (v6.0.0+) to protect their own accounts. (Learn how here).







Plus, to make it faster and easier to login to CartonCloud, we’ve improved our mobile app support for password managers with direct support for your password manager of choice. We support 3rd party password managers (eg. Bitwarden Lastpass etc), and also those included on the devices such as “Passwords” on iOS and “Google Password Manager” and Android.

Additionally, we’ll soon be releasing Enterprise Security (add-on / available in some plans). This provides even more account security by allowing account admins to setup MFA requirements within their account. This includes the ability to enfore Mandatory MFA for specific user roles, meaning (for example) organisations can require MFA for all administrators and packers, but leave it optional for drivers and customers.