Release 96

Release 96

Sales Order Product Entry

  • We've adjusted where the fields are placed when adding a product to a Sales Order: The "Product" field is now the first field to be displayed, followed by "Measure" then "Quantity". We have also taken the opportunity to optimise and accelerate data entry so you can enter multiple products by using tab to move between fields and space to select options.
  • Performance improvements and other minor bug fixes.

Sales Order Date Dispatched and Custom Fields

  • Making it easier for operators to filter out jobs based on when it was packed and when it needs to be dispatched. We've also given users more options with custom fields that can be displayed and filtered.
  • Performance improvements and other minor bug fixes.

Consignment Distance Calculation

  • This update is great for consignments that need to be charged based on KM's which opens great flexibility when charging customers. You simply enter the pickup address and the drop off address and it will calculate automatically.
  • Performance improvements and other minor bug fixes.

  • When allocating consignments to a run sheet, users are now able to see the vehicle that the run sheet is allocated to assist with allocations to the correct vehicle. 
  • When changing the status of a Sales Order from Draft to Approved, users will no longer be prompted with 2 pop-ups. We've removed the last confirmation pop-up that states the status has been changed and replaced it with a notification at the top of the page to save you clicks and help you get more done. 
  • Label printing enhancements:
    • When printing Consignment Labels to ZPL or PDF from within either a Manifest or a Wave Pick, a new dialogue box appears allowing you to configure Consignment values, numbers of labels, and also select which labels to print.
  • Performance improvements and other minor bug fixes.

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