Even More Wave Pick Improvements Now Available!

Even More Wave Pick Improvements Now Available!

As we gear up for our release of Pick to Tote next quarter, we have released another enhancement aimed at improving the efficiency and flexibility of the Wave Pick functionality for customer-type wave picks.

New Filtering Options:

To help you streamline your wave-picking process, we’ve introduced several new filters, allowing you to fine-tune your selections more effectively:

  • Expected Delivery Run: Narrow down picks based on specific delivery run schedules, ensuring more precise planning.

  • SKU Count: Filter by the number of SKUs on an order, offering greater control over picking efficiency.

  • Quantity Count: Focus on orders with specific quantity ranges, enhancing your ability to meet picking requirements.

UI Enhancements:

Along with these new filters, we’ve made some functional updates to the user interface. This redesign not only improves the overall user experience but also optimizes the layout to accommodate additional filtering options in future releases. This ensures that as we continue to expand functionality, you’ll have easy access to even more tools that make your workflow smoother.

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See our helpful Knowledge Base articles on Single and Multiple Customer Wave Pick functionality for more information.


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